As a ghostwriter for therapists, people often ask me, “Is it ethical to hire a ghostwriter? Isn’t that like cheating or plagiarizing?” I understand the concern — if you’re not writing something, is it OK to put your name on it? The short answer is yes.
Think of a ghostwriter as a more ethical, better version of AI. As you’re likely aware, last year several authors banded together to file a class-action lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft. The writers, including John Grisham and George R.R. Martin, assert that OpenAI and Microsoft are raking in billions from their unauthorized use of these books, and the authors were not fairly compensated. There was no permission to use their books nor is their intellectual property being respected.
Contrast that with me, a human who is a ghostwriter for therapists. It’s more ethical to work with me because we have set it up in advance that I will be compensated for my time. We’ve also entered into an agreement where we both understand that I’m just the fingers doing the typing. When I ghostwrite for therapists, the ideas aren’t mine — all concepts are coming from my clients. That means it’s their intellectual property.
Also, the reality is not everyone has the time or the ability to write. Therapists are busy seeing clients or catching up on paperwork — adding in SEO blog writing services gets pushed to the bottom of their to-do list. However, the problem with that is then their SEO (search engine optimization) suffers. I know the importance of SEO as a marketing content writer. Without proper SEO, you might as well be screaming into the void. And the best way to boost your SEO? Blog writing.
The beauty of working with me, a human instead of ChatGPT, is that I can sound like you, not a generic version of a person. In our work together, I study your writing samples and ask myself questions such as, “Do they use big words or small ones?” I notice the grammar, the punctuation, and do my best to sound like you, which AI is not capable of (yet) unless it’s read pages and pages of your work. AI can write a short story in the style of George R.R. Martin because it’s been fed his books. But that’s not the case for most people. Most people just want some blog writing services that sound like they wrote it. When you hire a ghostwriter such as myself, that’s what you get.
In an ideal world, everyone would have the time, energy, and ability to write down their ideas and share them with the world. But we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a world of diversity where different people have different skills. I love being a ghostwriter for therapists because I get to use my skills of writing, researching, and analyzing to help therapists reach beyond the consulting room. Together we can accomplish great things — like with Renee, one of my clients who wrote a book (meaning, I wrote her book) and now has interest from a publisher!
If you’d like to do the same, or if you’re just interested in increasing your web traffic via something like SEO blog writing services, reach out to me. Let’s see if we’re a good fit.