The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Ghostwriter

Let’s say you’ve hired someone to design your therapy website and they ask you for website copy. They might say, “What do you want your homepage to say?” “What will go in your bio?” Do you have any specialties?” Suddenly, you may be sweating because you want to make sure you write something good that’s also optimized for search engines. In other words, when people google “(geographical area) therapist” you want your name to come up.

Web designers will help you with search engine optimization (SEO) and picking the right keywords buuuuuut you still need someone to write the copy, or in other words, the text. In that case, you might hire a copywriter.

A copywriter is someone (like me!) who writes content for your website and ensures that it sounds snappy and appealing. They persuade website visitors to schedule their first consultation call with you or at least shoot off an email. A copywriter’s only agenda is to write website copy sprinkled with SEO keywords. They can claim credit for their work, it can show up in their portfolio, and they aren’t trying to sound like anyone other than themselves because that’s not their job. They aren’t a ghostwriter.


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It’s like looking in the mirror. Just kidding! Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

What a Ghostwriter Does

A ghostwriter for therapists, on the other hand, has a different agenda. They will write website copy sprinkled with SEO keywords but they won’t claim credit for their work, show it in their portfolio, and they’re trying to sound like their client (you).

When I write for someone as a ghostwriter, I’m trying to do it in their style. You know how some writers use short sentences (Hemingway) whereas others employ long run-ons (Faulkner)? You don’t need to be a literary giant to have your own writing voice; everyone has their own voice. It comes across not only in sentence length but also in word choice. For example, some people might want to use words like “escapade” and “superfluous” whereas others prefer “adventure” and “repetitive.”  Those things matter and coalesce to form your writing voice. A good ghostwriter picks up on those things and makes sure to write with them in mind.

Something else that people may not pay attention to is punctuation. I don’t mean the standard comma, period, and question mark punctuation. I also mean, do you use dashes? Or semicolons? Or even full colons? As someone who’s been a professional writer since 2006, these are all things I notice and take into account as I’m writing a piece for a client.

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These things matter! Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

What a Ghostwriter Can Accomplish

One of the reasons I love being a ghostwriter for therapists is that we establish a relationship and work together for six months or even years! It’s not only a one-and-done job to write website copy (which, again, I also do) but a chance to write blogs together and even books.

One of my clients, Renee (name changed to protect their privacy), has seen a 500% boost in traffic to her website after we started working together! Not only that, articles I ghostwrote for her have been placed on prominent websites that reach an estimated 7 million people per month through a variety of partner and advertising networks. Not just one article either — several. On top of that, I’ve ghostwritten THREE chapters for her that were published in anthologies. In fact, based on an article I ghostwrote, one publication reached out to Renee specifically and asked her to contribute a piece to their upcoming anthology. We didn’t even pitch to them! They came to us!

A Ghostwriter Frees Up Your Time

To be clear, Renee is an excellent writer herself. She enjoys writing blogs but she doesn’t have time to write them. As you’re likely aware, the U.S. has a shortage of mental health professionals. Currently, more than 150 million people live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas. Within a few years, the country will be short between 14,280 and 31,109 psychiatrists. Psychologists, social workers, and others will be overextended as well, according to the report.  “People can’t get care,” Dr. Saul Levin, CEO and medical director of the American Psychiatric Association said in an article

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When a therapist isn’t available, people turn to their friends but a friend is not a therapist. Photo by Dustin Belt on Unsplash

You’re strapped for time and prioritizing client/patient care, which makes sense. But wouldn’t it also be nice to share some of the things you’ve learned with people who may not be able to see you because they live somewhere else or you’re fully booked? That’s where I, as a ghostwriter for therapists come in.

I’ve worked as a journalist since 2006 and in that time have honed my interview skills. I know how to draw information from a person they may not think is relevant or interesting, which I also apply to ghostwriting. By working with me, I can zero in on what matters and expand upon that information. Plus, I have the time to do what you cannot.

If you still have questions about ghostwriting and whether it will work for you, contact me. Together, who knows what we can accomplish?

Is it Ethical to Hire a Ghostwriter?

As a ghostwriter for therapists, people often ask me, “Is it ethical to hire a ghostwriter? Isn’t that like cheating or plagiarizing?” I understand the concern — if you’re not writing something, is it OK to put your name on it? The short answer is yes.

Think of a ghostwriter as a more ethical, better version of AI. As you’re likely aware, last year several authors banded together to file a class-action lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft. The writers, including John Grisham and George R.R. Martin, assert that OpenAI and Microsoft are raking in billions from their unauthorized use of these books, and the authors were not fairly compensated. There was no permission to use their books nor is their intellectual property being respected. 

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Photo by Mari Potter on Unsplash

Contrast that with me, a human who is a ghostwriter for therapists. It’s more ethical to work with me because we have set it up in advance that I will be compensated for my time. We’ve also entered into an agreement where we both understand that I’m just the fingers doing the typing. When I ghostwrite for therapists, the ideas aren’t mine — all concepts are coming from my clients. That means it’s their intellectual property.

Also, the reality is not everyone has the time or the ability to write. Therapists are busy seeing clients or catching up on paperwork — adding in SEO blog writing services gets pushed to the bottom of their to-do list. However, the problem with that is then their SEO (search engine optimization) suffers. I know the importance of SEO as a marketing content writer. Without proper SEO, you might as well be screaming into the void. And the best way to boost your SEO? Blog writing. 

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Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

The beauty of working with me, a human instead of ChatGPT, is that I can sound like you, not a generic version of a person. In our work together, I study your writing samples and ask myself questions such as, “Do they use big words or small ones?” I notice the grammar, the punctuation, and do my best to sound like you, which AI is not capable of (yet) unless it’s read pages and pages of your work. AI can write a short story in the style of George R.R. Martin because it’s been fed his books. But that’s not the case for most people. Most people just want some blog writing services that sound like they wrote it. When you hire a ghostwriter such as myself, that’s what you get.

In an ideal world, everyone would have the time, energy, and ability to write down their ideas and share them with the world. But we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a world of diversity where different people have different skills. I love being a ghostwriter for therapists because I get to use my skills of writing, researching, and analyzing to help therapists reach beyond the consulting room. Together we can accomplish great things — like with Renee, one of my clients who wrote a book (meaning, I wrote her book) and now has interest from a publisher!

If you’d like to do the same, or if you’re just interested in increasing your web traffic via something like SEO blog writing services, reach out to me. Let’s see if we’re a good fit. 

Don’t Pour Arsenic on Your Dreams

Sometimes I suffer from “chicken little syndrome.” For the unfamiliar, it’s a children’s story where a chicken believes the sky is falling because an acorn fell on her head. The chicken then goes around to a bunch of other animals and tells them, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” As a marketing content writer, freelance journalist, and ghostwriter for therapists, I fall into this trap frequently when I have a lighter work week. 

Business has its ebbs and flows but somehow I always interpret an ebb as a sign of the times, not a natural part of the cycle. However, I can take comfort from Chicken Little because there are multiple versions of the Chicken Little story. In one version, Chicken Little and all her friends are lured to a fox’s den and never seen again. In another, they tell a king their worry and the king reassures them the sky is not falling, plucking an acorn from Chicken Little’s head.

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Who knew something so little could cause such a ruckus? Photo by Nicolas Ruiz on Unsplash

Remembering there are multiple versions of Chicken Little offers me perspective.  I could be like Chicken Little and let my fear lead me to a metaphorical fox’s den where I’ll be devoured. Or I could be like Chicken Little and let my fear lead me to a metaphorical palace where I’ll be reassured. The choice is mine and not at all a foregone conclusion.

Tosha Silver talks about this choice in her book Outrageous Openness. She says she offers her problems to a power greater than herself and that doing so is like planting a seedling. “You put the fledging roots into the soil, and then fertilize and water to allow for flowering,” she writes. “The more you protect the plant, the better it grows. So would you pour arsenic on that delicate thing to see if it could survive? Would you stick it in [the] burning sun for a week just as an experiment?” Good question, Tosha. Real-life plants I would never pour arsenic over, nor would I stick them in the burning sun without any water. But metaphorical plants? In this case, my faith, hopes, and dreams? I do pour arsenic on them. A frequent refrain in my mind is, “It won’t work out! Everything will crash and burn!” But, well, it doesn’t and hasn’t.

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Pretend this is arsenic. Photo by Denise Chan on Unsplash

I’ve worked as a marketing content writer, freelance journalist, and ghostwriter for therapists for a while now and every time one client drops off, another one comes on. Every time I fret I’ll never write for a certain magazine again, they contact me about an assignment. Maybe it’s time to stop drinking the poison I keep offering myself and instead marvel at how things work out. Because they always do! 

How does this relate to clients? My current clients already took the leap of faith and said, “Yes! I want to work with you! I think it will help me!” Potential clients are often nervous and have numerous questions about ghostwriting.  Will it work for them? Will it actually help their business? I can give them tons of stats and case studies and testimonials to show that it does but ultimately the decision has to come from them. Do they want to be Chicken Little? Do they want to pour arsenic over their dreams? Or would they rather believe that everything works out?

I’m a pragmatic marketing content writer, freelance journalist, and ghostwriter for therapists so that means we always start with a paid sample or a one-off project so really, what is there to lose? If you’d like to give hiring me a shot, reach out. I’m here.

Business Isn’t Really About Business

I heard an expression that stuck with me the other day — business isn’t really about business. When you think about it, it’s true. Is your business about trying to sell something? Or is it about relationships? Is your business about providing a service? Or is it about making an impact in the field of humanity? I wear many hats — I’m a Bay Area freelance journalist, marketing content writer, and ghostwriter for therapists.

In each area of my business, I’m trying to accomplish something different. As a Bay Area freelance journalist, business is primarily about relationships. I’m connecting with the people I’m interviewing and trying to tell their stories accurately. It’s one reason I never excelled at breaking news (although I’ve written my fair share of breaking news stories).

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So much of the news is impersonal and that’s not what I excel at. Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

With breaking news, it’s about the facts, not relationships. Breaking news is always something along the lines of, “There’s a fire on 12th Street!” or “The Supreme Court issued a new ruling!” There isn’t time to share impact, like how the fire on 12th Street means that a single mom no longer has a place to live, or the new Supreme Court ruling means Daisy Lopez can send her daughter to preschool for free.

Breaking news is usually impersonal but I’m an empath and a highly sensitive person. I feel deeply and so my greatest gift is the ability to connect with others. That’s what I do as a Bay Area freelance journalist. 

My work as a marketing content writer is slightly different in that the relationship is less about connecting with someone to share their story and instead connecting with someone to serve their business. When I conduct SEO blog writing services, I’m supporting someone else so that their relationships can improve.

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Being a marketing content writer is about supporting someone else’s relationships. Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

If no one knows your business exists, there is no relationship and that’s where SEO blog writing comes in. It may seem weird or annoying or icky but ultimately, there’s so much noise on the internet the way people find one another is through using search engines. And like it or not, search engines want to show people relevant information. Those search engines determine if information is relevant in part based on keywords. So that’s my work as a marketing content writer, which includes SEO blog writing services and a case study writing service.

The other work I do is ghostwriting for therapists. This aspect combines both relationships and the impact that relationship will have on the field of humanity. The relationship matters tremendously in ghostwriting because if I don’t understand someone, there’s no way I can write something in the way they’d write it. We have to get along and be a good fit. But more than that, I love ghostwriting for therapists because of the content. I get to write pieces like, “How to process trauma” or “Signs of emotional abuse and where to get help.” The pieces I’m writing matter to me because they’re contributing to the healing of humanity. 

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Words matter because they can touch people’s hearts. Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

As you’ve likely noticed, everyone is wounded in one way or another. They’re struggling with feeling worthy, or overcoming perfectionism, or recovering from narcissistic abuse. Everybody has something but not everyone is able to work with a therapist for one reason or another. That’s where SEO blog writing for therapists comes in. The content I write for them provides valuable information that people can use AND raises the therapist’s visibility so they can reach more people. Even thinking about it I get chills. 

What would the world be like if everyone got the mental health support they needed? What would the world be like if they had the tools to heal from the things that hurt them? That’s what excites me — knowing I’m supporting someone who doesn’t have time to write to share valuable information with the world. Information that really and truly can impact humanity. 

Is business just about the act of business? Nope. In my case as a Bay Area freelance journalist, marketing content writer, and ghostwriter for therapists, it’s about relationships and impacting the field of humanity. If either of those things sounds good to you and you’d like to work together, reach out to me. I’m here.


Trust the Nudges

The writing world is going through a weird time as you may or may not be aware. There’s a lot of fear that AI will take away writing jobs, and it has, to some degree. AI is great at writing posts that don’t require a human such as, “The Top Ways to Promote Your Small Business” because it regurgitates information that’s been written about extensively. Some companies are extremely price-conscious and would rather get a blog post for free from AI than come up with something original. So it’s true, AI has taken away writing jobs but they aren’t jobs I as a marketing content writer want to do anyway. 

So that’s the AI problem. But then there’s the issue of companies slashing their marketing budgets. When times are economically tough, marketing is the first thing to go. I’m a part of several marketing content writer Facebook groups and I hear over and over again that this is a slow year, that people are struggling to find work. There are numerous requests for commiseration and tips because the work isn’t flowing like before. 

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The tools of the trade. Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

It’s been the same for me — the publications and agencies I used to work with regularly have stopped calling because they don’t have the same income anymore (hi, news publications) or the work has dried up (marketing agencies). It’s rough out there AND not all hope is lost. I have a little story to tell.

I’ve cried many tears over the past few months watching my savings dwindle, unsure what I would do about it. I’m not someone who can work a full-time job unless they are VERY accommodating. Working as a freelance marketing content writer who offers SEO blog writing services and a case study writing service is a good fit for me and my lifestyle. But where to go for the work that I want to do? The stuff I’m good at? The stuff that requires creativity and a brain? 

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I want to do the things that cause my synapses to fire. Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

I joined job boards galore and threw my hat into the ring for several positions. I didn’t get so much as a screening interview. Fear gripped me and I prayed my buns off, asking for help and guidance daily. Finally, one day while I was napping, a name popped into my head. About 3.5 years ago, the CEO of a company reached out to me and asked if I was available to write some blogs for them. I couldn’t at the time because I was doing a lot of work for a publication that covered the company’s industry.  Writing for the company would compromise my journalistic objectivity so I turned him down and gave him some names of people to contact.

Fast forward to last month and I reached out to him saying, “Hi, I know it’s been a long time and you may not need this anymore, but I’m interested in writing for you.” And you know what he replied? “You have great timing! We’ve expanded our marketing operations and would love to have you write for us.” After 3.5 years of not being in touch and an email out of the blue, I have more business again

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Random connections! Sometimes they pan out! Photo by luke Southern on Unsplash

The experience reminded me there is a greater intelligence at play, that I am connected to a giant web of something, and that intelligence wants to see me succeed if I only stop to listen. It can be hard sometimes when the fear voices are so strong and they tell you to just try anything, to throw spaghetti at the wall. But I bet if you get quiet enough, you’ll hear a whisper, a nudge, telling you what to do. And if you haven’t heard it yet, maybe it’s not time yet and things are still getting worked out behind the scenes. At least, that’s been my experience. 

If you’re getting the nudge that you need a marketing content writer who offers SEO blog writing services or you’re looking for a case study writing service, reach out to me and see if we’re a good fit. Maybe you’ll be the person for whom I say, “Wow! You have great timing.”

How to Feel Worthy Regardless of Your Productivity

I was privileged to be on Shanne Boss‘s “Rewilded Leader” podcast recently. We talked about my journey to becoming a marketing content writer, ghostwriter for therapists, and someone who offers SEO blog writing services. 

In addition to my genesis story, I shared all my tips and tricks for feeling productive even if you aren’t able to accomplish much for whatever reason. Watch the video below to learn more or click the link to listen to the audio.

Audio link. 

Don’t Go Chasing Turkeys

When I was a freshman in college, I was so desperate to make friends I sat with random people in the cafeteria and tried to make small talk. It didn’t go well, as I’m sure you can imagine. I am equal parts embarrassed and proud of young me. Embarrassed because you could practically see the desperation coming off me in waves. Proud because it was a gutsy thing to do, approaching stranger after stranger. It’s also a skill that came in handy later because as a Bay Area freelance journalist, I’m forced to talk to strangers all the time. 

During my freshman year, the energy I gave off to every person I met was, “Are you my friend? Are you my friend? Are you my friend?” similar to the baby bird in P.D. Eastman’s Are You My Mother? who goes around and asks every animal if it’s its mother. The baby bird eventually found its mother but going around and asking, “Are you my friend? Are you my friend? Are you my friend?” did not win me any friends. Shocking, I know! We already understand this about friendships — how relationships are built when people are open and receptive rather than clingy and aggressive — but somehow we think the same doesn’t apply in business.

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Openness works far better than desperation. Photo by Katerina Pavlyuchkova on Unsplash

In business, we’re told it’s a numbers game and to reach out to as many people as possible. It’s tricky because on the one hand, people must know you exist. One of the biggest hurdles I face as a ghostwriter for therapists is people don’t know such a job function is out there. Whenever I tell people what I do, they ask, “What’s that?” I have to do some education, let people know I’m available. But on the other hand, no one likes a pushy salesperson.

Someone contacted me on LinkedIn multiple times pitching their offer and I very much was not interested. I didn’t seek them out, didn’t respond to their first message, and yet they contacted me again. And then again. If that works for you, great! But it doesn’t work for me. 

I notice whenever I chase people, including potential clients, they run away. But when I sit still, they approach. It reminds me of a story from my favorite spiritual teacher, Tosha Silver, who wrote about a farmer in her book It’s Not Your Money

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Stillness and receptivity work better than the chase. Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

You may even find that what you’ve been pursuing forever will begin to pursue you [once you practice detachment]. A farmer had one such wild experience. For months, she’d tried with no luck to sell the turkeys on her land, which had been a massive headache. One day someone called who wanted them all — ironically, right after she’d cleared years of junk from her home. ‘Fantastic,’ she said. ‘But now I have to catch them. What a nightmare!'”

She offered it all over [to the Divine Beloved]. Why wouldn’t God be as good with turkeys as anything else?”

And lo and behold, when she stepped outside, the turkeys began to chase her for the first time ever. Even while roaring with laughter, she quickly gathered them all.”

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Let the turkeys chase you. Photo by Mikkel Bergmann on Unsplash

This is indeed how it works! When you give everything over to the Divine with detachment, things start to happen in a way that’s the opposite of what we’re taught.”

In other words, sometimes the best thing you can do is stop chasing turkeys and let them chase you. In my work as a ghostwriter for therapists, almost all of my clients have sought me out as opposed to the other way around. It can be incredibly difficult because patience is NOT my strong suit but it’s better than acting from desperation, which never pans out. 

If you feel called to work together, I have a few slots available. Reach out to me and let’s see if we’re a good fit. 

All Delays are Beneficial

As a Bay Area freelance journalist, I don’t like delays. It’s the bane of my existence waiting for people to get back to me. “I have a deadline, people! Get a move on!” But I’m coming to realize something spiritual teacher Tosha Silver says frequently: “All delays are beneficial.”

My impatient self cringes hearing that because I want everything to be swift and on my timeline. But, well, my life isn’t a one-woman show. There are lots of actors and factors that coalesce when it comes to creating anything and everything. In other words, I don’t have the full story. It’s only when I look back that I see, “Oh. Yeah. All delays are beneficial.”

Here’s a small example. I was assigned a story that requires attending a city government hearing. It was on my calendar for weeks and when I checked the agenda closer to the meeting date . . . it wasn’t there. The hearing was been pushed back. Instead of irking me, I was grateful because it turns out the week of the hearing was veeeeeery busy with other deadlines, and adding one more thing would have tipped me over the edge into the land of Too Much. There’s no way I would have told my editor that. Instead, I would have sucked it up, stressed myself out, and probably stayed up until midnight trying to finish everything. As a spoonie, that’s a bad idea. I don’t have the luxury of pushing myself too hard because it takes me a week or more to “bounce back” from doing that. Ahem, all delays are beneficial!

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All delays are beneficial, including airport ones. Photo by Suganth on Unsplash

It’s also true for my clients that all delays are beneficial. I’m a mental health blogger as well as a ghostwriter for therapists. What that means is in addition to writing blogs for therapists, I also ghostwrite books. One of my clients and I have been working on a book for months. Whenever we think we’re finished, we realize there’s something else to add. If we had rushed the process and ushered her book out the door, it wouldn’t have been ready. The book would have been half-baked and dissatisfying.

What I tell myself and my clients is that every book has its own trajectory. We have an idea of when and how a book should be out in the world but that’s not up to us. Life works out better when we understand there is such a thing as divine timing.

One of my favorite stories about this involves Italy. When I was 20, I studied abroad in London and had every intention of going to Italy. What better time than when you’re already temporarily living in Europe?!? Except, it didn’t happen. I didn’t have the money. I didn’t have anyone to travel with. I didn’t have the time. Unlike some study abroad programs, mine was rigorous and they punished you for skipping class to go travel. It just didn’t work for me to visit Italy.

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None of this for me. Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

For the next seven years, I dreamed of going to Italy. Whenever I heard about someone’s trip, I seethed with envy. “What about me? I want to go! Why hasn’t it happened yet?!?” My hopes rose and plummeted like a falcon scouting for prey every time I made plans that fell through. Finally, when I was 27, I worked for a radiology publication that decided to send me to Vienna, Austria for a conference. I asked if I could take some time off afterward to travel and they said yes!

After seven years of yearning, I was finally going to Italy — and someone else paid for the plane ticket. It was the most grace-filled trip of my life. You see, in the ensuing seven years from when the seed was first planted, I became friends with numerous people, including Italians. When I visited Florence, I had a free place to stay and someone to show me the sights. I also became friends with a woman who was teaching English in France and just so “happened” to have a spring break at the exact same time I was traveling. We traipsed through Italy together and “happened” to visit the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, which is the museum that houses the “David” statue, on International Women’s Day. That meant we got into the museum for FREE. 

So many other things happened — running into a friend of mine on the train, having him play tour guide, catching my flight home just in time. Every part of the trip felt as if an invisible hand was guiding me, directing me, creating an experience for me to relish. But here’s the thing: None of it could have happened earlier. I didn’t know any of the people I traveled with during that trip when I was 20.    

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I did it! That’s me at the Ponte Vecchio in Florence.

When I think about my Italian adventure, I remember there is proper timing for everything. And if I wait, I might just have the experience of a lifetime.  It might sound strange to talk about delays on a business website but business isn’t exempt from divine timing. We are still humans operating in a magical and mysterious world. Sometimes that means things are delayed and I’m choosing to believe all delays are beneficial.

That said, if the timing feels right for you to build your business, reach out to me.  We can work on blogs, books, and anything in between. I’ll be over here, waiting to hear from you, knowing until I do that all delays are beneficial.

Master of One

Last month I wrote about how December is usually a slow month for me and that I just needed to wait for everything to change. If I had patience, I was sure January would be different. Sure enough, January arrived and I’ve been flooded with work. Everyone seems to remember I exist! It’s a great problem to have because I would much rather be busy than bored.

Being busy doesn’t only mean writing blogs for therapists — it’s also freelance journalism work. At the start of this month, several magazines reached out to me and asked if I was available. I love what I do, being an Oakland freelance journalist, content writer for small businesses, and ghostwriter for therapists, because I’m forever learning something new. The other month I wrote an article about a woman who creates artwork from eggshells. I learned more about a proposed development in San Francisco, and I interviewed the coach from a high school cross-country team that’s won 20 consecutive league championships. 

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Not the cross-country team in question. Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

In my position, I get to learn more about the inner world and the outer world. You want to talk about inner child healing? I’m your girl! Interested in chatting about plein air painting? I can talk about that too. My skillset means I can write about any topic for any audience. And I have. My work has appeared in scientific journals, anthologies, luxury magazines, and local newspapers. My ghostwriting work is the same.  Pieces I’ve written for therapists have been published in academic anthologies, large therapy websites, and personal blogs.  

Potential clients are often surprised when they talk to me because I can do anything they want. “Are you interested in an ebook? I can write that. Do you want SEO help for your website? I can do that too. Want me to rewrite your Psychology Today bio? I’m on it!” I do it all. 

There’s that saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none,” but I defy that stereotype because I’m a Jane of all trades and a master of one: non-fiction writing. (Fiction writing is a different kettle of fish, as I’m learning. My journalism skills do NOT translate to writing a novel unless you count the research part.) I’ve worked as a professional writer for 18 years.  I know what I’m doing and I’m happy to do it. 

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The tools of the trade. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Some people think they can use ChatGPT to write blogs for them, and they can, but not if they want to appeal to humans. I’m not denying the power or usefulness of AI but I am saying that I’m better than AI. What I do requires decision-making, creativity, and empathy. In short, it requires something a machine can never provide: humanity.

Here’s a true story for you. One of the things I’m most proud of in my career is that I wrote a profile of a former San Francisco Planning Commission president. When he died, the family included a quote from that piece in his official obituary. This is what I’m capable of as a woman who is a master of her craft. I’m not saying there isn’t room for improvement because I’m always learning but this is why it’s worth it to hire me. I touch the hearts and minds of people who read my work, whether that’s as a freelance journalist, content writer, or ghostwriter for therapists.

What do you say? Are you interested in collaborating? Get in touch with me. I’d love to hear from you.

Just Wait

I’ve been in business as a freelance writer for therapists for a while now — long enough to notice some trends. As much as I wish business was consistent, it’s not. Some months are slower than others. While this is the busiest time of the year for some industries, it’s not for me. People don’t really think about ramping up their business unless they’re in retail. They’re not pondering how to improve their search engine optimization (SEO), which they can achieve by hiring a content writer like me. Most people are focused on the holidays, whatever that looks like for them.

In terms of my business as a freelance ghostwriter for therapists, that looks like waiting, which of course I hate because I want everything to be here as of yesterday. And yet, this is also what this time of year encourages. So many winter stories are about waiting and watching. I want things to happen quickly like a thunderstorm – swift and noticeable. Instead, things happen like a seed planted in soil – slow and subtle.

writer for therapists
Such a perfect winter photo, right? Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

We are in the winter season in the northern hemisphere and even though many around us are encouraging us to speed up, if we take our cues from nature, what’s called for is slowing down. What can I learn from allowing that to be the case? Timing is not something that can be controlled or rushed as much as I would like it to be. 

Here’s a true story: In January 2018, I planted California poppy seeds. In March, everyone else’s poppies started to bloom. Mine did not. I checked my poppies frequently, searching for signs of buds. Each day I stared at verdant green leaves, but no hints of orange. Finally, in about mid-May, the first bud appeared, and then suddenly, a flower. It thrilled me to see orange after so many months of waiting. I beamed from ear to ear and pride swelled within me. But note, it took months, MONTHS, for my poppies to do that.

business writing help
Not my poppies but they could have been! Photo by Dan Akuna on Unsplash

There are things we can do to improve business — networking, writing blogposts with specific keywords, cold-calling — but ultimately everything has its own cycle, including business. When I think of my poppies, I’m reminded things may take longer to bloom (both literally and figuratively), but that doesn’t mean they won’t.

And just like me, the clients that would work best with me have their cycles as well. Maybe this time of year feels too intense, maybe their budget is being directed toward holiday travel and gifts. Or maybe they don’t feel ready to work with a freelance ghostwriter for therapists. That’s OK. The question becomes how can I allow what’s happening to happen? 

business writing help
If we let ourselves wait, good things will come. Photo by Chungkuk Bae on Unsplash

I am a spiritual woman and even though my business doesn’t sell spirituality, that doesn’t mean spirituality is separate from my business. It imbues every aspect from how I treat people to how I conduct myself. And one of the biggest spiritual lessons I’ve had to learn over and over again is patience. So that’s where I am again, over here, waiting, trusting that the right clients have already been selected and I’ll be guided to them easily and gratefully. And I know all right actions will be shown.

If you feel called, reach out to me. Maybe your right action is emailing me about working together. If so, I’d love to see what we can accomplish together.