Don’t Go Chasing Turkeys

When I was a freshman in college, I was so desperate to make friends I sat with random people in the cafeteria and tried to make small talk. It didn’t go well, as I’m sure you can imagine. I am equal parts embarrassed and proud of young me. Embarrassed because you could practically see the desperation coming off me in waves. Proud because it was a gutsy thing to do, approaching stranger after stranger. It’s also a skill that came in handy later because as a Bay Area freelance journalist, I’m forced to talk to strangers all the time. 

During my freshman year, the energy I gave off to every person I met was, “Are you my friend? Are you my friend? Are you my friend?” similar to the baby bird in P.D. Eastman’s Are You My Mother? who goes around and asks every animal if it’s its mother. The baby bird eventually found its mother but going around and asking, “Are you my friend? Are you my friend? Are you my friend?” did not win me any friends. Shocking, I know! We already understand this about friendships — how relationships are built when people are open and receptive rather than clingy and aggressive — but somehow we think the same doesn’t apply in business.

mental health blog writer
Openness works far better than desperation. Photo by Katerina Pavlyuchkova on Unsplash

In business, we’re told it’s a numbers game and to reach out to as many people as possible. It’s tricky because on the one hand, people must know you exist. One of the biggest hurdles I face as a ghostwriter for therapists is people don’t know such a job function is out there. Whenever I tell people what I do, they ask, “What’s that?” I have to do some education, let people know I’m available. But on the other hand, no one likes a pushy salesperson.

Someone contacted me on LinkedIn multiple times pitching their offer and I very much was not interested. I didn’t seek them out, didn’t respond to their first message, and yet they contacted me again. And then again. If that works for you, great! But it doesn’t work for me. 

I notice whenever I chase people, including potential clients, they run away. But when I sit still, they approach. It reminds me of a story from my favorite spiritual teacher, Tosha Silver, who wrote about a farmer in her book It’s Not Your Money

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Stillness and receptivity work better than the chase. Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

You may even find that what you’ve been pursuing forever will begin to pursue you [once you practice detachment]. A farmer had one such wild experience. For months, she’d tried with no luck to sell the turkeys on her land, which had been a massive headache. One day someone called who wanted them all — ironically, right after she’d cleared years of junk from her home. ‘Fantastic,’ she said. ‘But now I have to catch them. What a nightmare!'”

She offered it all over [to the Divine Beloved]. Why wouldn’t God be as good with turkeys as anything else?”

And lo and behold, when she stepped outside, the turkeys began to chase her for the first time ever. Even while roaring with laughter, she quickly gathered them all.”

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Let the turkeys chase you. Photo by Mikkel Bergmann on Unsplash

This is indeed how it works! When you give everything over to the Divine with detachment, things start to happen in a way that’s the opposite of what we’re taught.”

In other words, sometimes the best thing you can do is stop chasing turkeys and let them chase you. In my work as a ghostwriter for therapists, almost all of my clients have sought me out as opposed to the other way around. It can be incredibly difficult because patience is NOT my strong suit but it’s better than acting from desperation, which never pans out. 

If you feel called to work together, I have a few slots available. Reach out to me and let’s see if we’re a good fit. 

Just Wait

I’ve been in business as a freelance writer for therapists for a while now — long enough to notice some trends. As much as I wish business was consistent, it’s not. Some months are slower than others. While this is the busiest time of the year for some industries, it’s not for me. People don’t really think about ramping up their business unless they’re in retail. They’re not pondering how to improve their search engine optimization (SEO), which they can achieve by hiring a content writer like me. Most people are focused on the holidays, whatever that looks like for them.

In terms of my business as a freelance ghostwriter for therapists, that looks like waiting, which of course I hate because I want everything to be here as of yesterday. And yet, this is also what this time of year encourages. So many winter stories are about waiting and watching. I want things to happen quickly like a thunderstorm – swift and noticeable. Instead, things happen like a seed planted in soil – slow and subtle.

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Such a perfect winter photo, right? Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

We are in the winter season in the northern hemisphere and even though many around us are encouraging us to speed up, if we take our cues from nature, what’s called for is slowing down. What can I learn from allowing that to be the case? Timing is not something that can be controlled or rushed as much as I would like it to be. 

Here’s a true story: In January 2018, I planted California poppy seeds. In March, everyone else’s poppies started to bloom. Mine did not. I checked my poppies frequently, searching for signs of buds. Each day I stared at verdant green leaves, but no hints of orange. Finally, in about mid-May, the first bud appeared, and then suddenly, a flower. It thrilled me to see orange after so many months of waiting. I beamed from ear to ear and pride swelled within me. But note, it took months, MONTHS, for my poppies to do that.

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Not my poppies but they could have been! Photo by Dan Akuna on Unsplash

There are things we can do to improve business — networking, writing blogposts with specific keywords, cold-calling — but ultimately everything has its own cycle, including business. When I think of my poppies, I’m reminded things may take longer to bloom (both literally and figuratively), but that doesn’t mean they won’t.

And just like me, the clients that would work best with me have their cycles as well. Maybe this time of year feels too intense, maybe their budget is being directed toward holiday travel and gifts. Or maybe they don’t feel ready to work with a freelance ghostwriter for therapists. That’s OK. The question becomes how can I allow what’s happening to happen? 

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If we let ourselves wait, good things will come. Photo by Chungkuk Bae on Unsplash

I am a spiritual woman and even though my business doesn’t sell spirituality, that doesn’t mean spirituality is separate from my business. It imbues every aspect from how I treat people to how I conduct myself. And one of the biggest spiritual lessons I’ve had to learn over and over again is patience. So that’s where I am again, over here, waiting, trusting that the right clients have already been selected and I’ll be guided to them easily and gratefully. And I know all right actions will be shown.

If you feel called, reach out to me. Maybe your right action is emailing me about working together. If so, I’d love to see what we can accomplish together.  

How to Find Your Genius

I was on a Zoom call the other week with a woman who started crying when I told her about my journey to becoming a ghostwriter for therapists. It seems only fitting to share it here because November is the anniversary of when I first started this business.

I was working as a Bay Area freelance journalist (which I still do) but realized I wanted to do more. I wanted to live my purpose, to borrow from modern parlance. To be clear, someone’s purpose doesn’t have to be large or flashy. It could be that they volunteer in a garden or they’re a parent. But everyone has something that makes them come alive and that’s what the world needs, to paraphrase Howard Thurman. 

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So alive! So vibrant! Photo by Jorge Vasconez on Unsplash

It can be difficult to figure out what exactly that is though! With so many options to choose from, how do you know if what you’re doing is the right thing? For me, it was based on two questions my therapist at the time asked:

    • What do you enjoy doing?
    • What do people come to you for?

What I enjoy doing is writing. It’s not always easy. More often than not it’s “type 2” fun or something that’s difficult at the time but feels rewarding afterward. Writing stretches my brain and encourages me to think differently, to synthesize information, and that’s why I love it.  

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If only my handwriting looked like this. Photo by R Mo on Unsplash

It was clear to me that whatever business venture I started would have to involve writing. But as you know, there’s all kinds of writing! Did I want to write about regulations surrounding bidets in Japan? Or the technical manual explaining how to use the latest Thingymabob? Well, no. Not particularly. This is where the second question comes in.

What do people come to me for? They come to me for wisdom. When they’re riled up and want an outside perspective, they bend my ear. When they’re looking for empathy, they call me. When they want to parse out someone else’s behavior, we chat. I can (and have) talked endlessly about attachment theory, empathy, trauma, Internal Family Systems, and various other psychological topics. I read those books for fun. I research those topics on my own. I don’t want to be a therapist because I don’t want to sit across from someone else and hear all the terrible things they’ve gone through, but I will happily talk about healing in general.

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I’m all about this aesthetic. Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

I want the world to be a better, kinder, more equitable place. You could say that’s my mission, whether I’m communicating one-on-one, writing my personal blog, sharing a post on Instagram, or writing professionally. I want to use my gifts in service of others and one way I do that is by ghostwriting for therapists. I believe in therapy, inner work, and the power of the written word. But I also need to earn a living so why not combine my beliefs and my skillset?

What makes me helpful is that many therapists don’t necessarily have time to write or share their wisdom, but I do. So much remains locked in a person’s head that doesn’t make it out into the world. What would it be like if it did? Can you imagine if everyone not only knew about the effects of trauma but did something to heal from it? Can you imagine how people would interact with one another if they were able to respond in a calm, measured, adult way? That’s what I want to help with and that’s what my genius is.

As a ghostwriter for therapists, together, we’re creating the kind of world that’s better for us all. If that interests you, let me be of service to you, too. Contact me today. I have a couple of ghostwriting spots left. Are you one of them?


Are You Dreaming? Or Delusional?

I spend a lot of time thinking about dreams, both my own and other people’s. It goes along with being a writer.  As a freelance journalist, I write about other people’s dreams all the time. As a novelist, I have a dream I’d like to come true. And as a ghostwriter for therapists, sometimes I literally write about dreams in the form of dream interpretation. 

What I find endlessly fascinating is the difference between a dream and a delusion. There are people who go on reality shows like American Idol or The X Factor and truly think they’re the next Adele. But then what comes out of their mouth is a screeching warble. 

Some of them seem genuinely surprised to hear they don’t have a great voice. They’re dumbfounded as to why they didn’t advance to the next round. Maybe they’re acting. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to go on national television just to embarrass themselves, but that’s me. It could also be maybe they’re not acting. I don’t know what to say about those people, especially when you have curveballs like Andre Ingram.   

His dream seemed absolutely delusional but it wasn’tAt 32, he became a rookie for the LA Lakers (!!!).

Sometimes a dream seems unlikely but then it happens. Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Since he was 8 years old, Andre dreamed of playing for the NBA. He played in high school and then at American University, my alma mater. Once he graduated, he toiled for years in the NBA’s minor league. And I mean toiled – he made $13,000 for the entire season in the minor leagues, which is less than what NBA players make for a couple of games. He tutored kids in math while his wife also worked. 

He says he thought about quitting several times, and some friends advised the same, or to find a better payday overseas. But he persisted.

“Every time I was ready to jump off that ledge something pulled me back,” he said. “Whether it was in training, when I’m hitting every shot I take, or in the weight room getting encouraged by the guys. My story is to let that voice, let that encouragement, pull you back in.”

Andre is the oldest American rookie in the NBA since 1964. His story begs the question, “At what point does a person give up on their dream?” 

Bay Area content writer
It’s a good question. Photo by eunice lituanas on unsplash.

“When is it harmful to keep believing something will happen? At what point is it better to let it go?” As a freelance ghostwriter for therapists, and a novelist myself, I get it. There are many times when it feels easier to give up, throw in the towel. To say, “I won’t write this after all,” or “It’s unlikely I’ll ever be as popular as ____.”

Here’s why I love Andre’s story: I’m sure many people told him it was unlikely he’d ever play in the NBA. A 32-year-old with gray hairs competing against people 10 years his junior? What are the odds he could share the court with them? But it happened.

The key, I think, is the quote he shared about how something kept pulling him back. Every time he wanted to quit something kept him from doing it. That to me reeks of intuition, which my spiritual teacher says “establishes the link between the crude world and the subtle world. And as a result of a closer link being established between the subtle and spiritual worlds, and as a result of its closer acquaintance with the sweetness of the spiritual world, this intuition guides human beings along the path of spirituality.”

Oakland, CA content writer
The world can be sweet if we follow our intuition. Photo by mi pham on unsplash.

If something keeps coming up over and over again, it’s intuition, guiding a person on their behalf. We don’t know how that journey will unfold, and it likely won’t look the way we want it to, but I have to believe if some dreams don’t disappear, then they are meant to become reality.

Sometimes though (most times?) you need a little help. That could be in the form of training and education. It could also be in the form of hiring a ghostwriter to write your blogs or books. I view myself as the vehicle to bring your dream into the world, not the owner. You likely have so much wisdom to share with the world and I can be the one to help you share it. Do you want to do that?

If you’re ready to grow your business, connect with like-minded individuals, and manifest your dreams, contact me. I only have a few slots left for ghostwriting clients. Are you one of them? 

The Two Minutes It Takes To Read This Will Change Your Mind Forever

One of the biggest obstacles people have when thinking about hiring a freelance ghostwriter is they’re scared of putting themselves out there. They say to me, “Rebekah, what if people judge me? What if they say mean things?”

I get it. It can be scary to broadcast your thoughts to the world because what if you get inundated with comments that are negative? What if people misinterpret what you said and then suddenly you’re being cast in a bad light?

I hear you, and as someone who has had a blog for 15 years (and I’ve written a post every week in that time!), let me tell you:

This probably won’t happen.

Whew! What a relief. Take a breather. Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

Unless you inadvertently fall into a MAGA den, no one is going to say mean things to you. I can’t guarantee that but what I can share is that not once in my 15 years of writing online has anyone called me a “see you next Tuesday” or said I’m a dumb b*tch that should just go kill herself. Do you know why? Because I don’t have a following in the millions. In other words:

Unless you’re already well-known, most people won’t troll you.

Again, I can’t guarantee that because these things do happen but by and large, if you don’t have a million Instagram followers already, you don’t receive these sorts of comments. If you happen to weigh in on a hot-button issue, then maybe, but most therapists I know are writing about healing and not something that sparks controversy.  

Do you know what will likely happen instead? 

People will be grateful you posted something.

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Yay! Thank you for sharing something! Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Every human alive has a need to feel seen and heard. We all want to be understood. We’re yearning for that. C.S. Lewis speaks to this in his quote on friendship:

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.

When you write something and share it with the world, someone reading it says, “Whew! Someone else feels the same way I do.” Or, “Wow, yes. This is how I think too.” Why do things go viral? Because they strike a chord with people. They see themselves reflected in the content and feel safe saying, “What this person says, I agree with.” 

Not only that, by writing blogposts and books, you’re building your business. I advocate people have a blog because it’s one of the easiest ways to keep your search engine optimization (SEO) up. (In other words, where do you fall on the results page when people google a certain term?) When I’m blogging for someone, it’s easy to drop in certain keywords like “sex therapist in (fill in the blank city).” That means you’re attracting even more people to your business by putting yourself out there. 

Throwing confetti in the air.
Yay! Let’s celebrate! Photo by Ambreen Hasan on Unsplash

I know it can feel scary to have an opinion in the digital age because there’s so much strife and argumentativeness but for the majority of people, they don’t experience that. Instead, someone will contact them and say, “Thank you for your post on XYZ. It meant a lot to me.”

If you’re reading this, I know you’re a good person with wisdom to share. Someone will be THRILLED to read a post by you! Having time to write it, well, that’s another story. Good thing you know a freelance ghostwriter who can help with that. . .

If you’re ready to grow your business, connect with like-minded individuals, and live out loud, contact me. I only have a few slots left for ghostwriting clients. Are you one of them?  

Growing Your Comfort Zone

Do you ever find you’re cruising right along, doing your thing, feeling like you have a handle on life, and then bam! The universe says, “No, it’s time to grow”? That’s me right now. I’ve worked as a journalist since 2006 but most of my stories have been simple — interview a few people, do some googling, and then done. I’m not someone who has ever written an exposé. I don’t piss off politicians or reveal the dark underbelly of anything. In other words, I wouldn’t call myself an investigative journalist and neither would anyone else.

Buuuuut, now I’m doing investigative journalism work.

It’s not for the Washington Post or anything but I’m holding some people’s feet to the fire in order to change things. They’ve created dangerous living conditions for tenants and as far as I can tell, the city isn’t doing anything about it. Instead of writing one story and dropping it, I’m pursuing the subject and writing follow-ups. I letting these corrupt bigwigs know I’m not going anywhere, which is something I’ve never done before.

As a ghostwriter for therapists, most of my clients haven’t worked with someone like me before. Oftentimes, they have questions about what a ghostwriter does and are scared to put themselves out there. I completely understand! I feel the same way whenever I try something new. However, as Goethe reminds us, “Whatever you dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

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Boldness has a kind of magic. Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash.

The magic in my life is that a veteran reporter showed up out of the woodwork to coach me. He’s giving me lots of tips about calling this person, researching that, filing a FOIA request, and more. When you step outside your comfort zone, people materialize to help you. These angels in disguise act as cheerleaders telling you, “You can do it! Go ahead and try!”

It reminds me of Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist when he writes, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” I’ve seen that over and over again for the things that are meant to be. When I started this business as a ghostwriter for therapists, I thought I would fail. I thought no one would want to work with me, that clients would be nonexistent, and that I’d have to work for someone else. But that isn’t what happened.

Freelance content writer oakland ca
I was surprised too, kid! Photo by Ben White on Unsplash.

Instead, within a week, I had my first content writing client (because I do that too!) and in about six weeks, I started ghostwriting for my first therapist. She and I have been working together for literally years now and not only has she been published in some big-time publications, but we’re working on THREE ebooks.

Renee was scared when we started working together. She was nervous about sharing herself with the world. Would she be judged? What would people think? But now the dam has burst and she realizes she wants to get her message out in the world. There’s so much inside she can’t not share it. Renee stepped outside her comfort zone and I was the angel in disguise who showed up to help her.

Am I that angel for you as well? Are you ready to grow your comfort zone? If so, reach out to me. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What Motivates Me as a Ghostwriter for Therapists

Fear. Stress. Money. Prestige. Love. These are all motivators for people but I find my biggest source of motivation (and inspiration) is service. This applies to not only my work as a ghostwriter for therapists, but also as a freelance journalist, a content writer for small businesses, and a novelist. The work I love doing, which fills me with meaning and a sense of purpose, revolves around being of service.

What exactly does that mean? It means I want to use words to help people, to inform them, to inspire them, and somehow make their lives a little better. As a ghostwriter for therapists, I do this by disseminating information on behalf of my clients. I write about topics that the general public may be unaware of — how to have a better relationship with themselves, how to maintain boundaries, how to improve their communication with others, the effects of trauma, etc.

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Communication is a learned skill. Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

It fills me with great joy to not only write about these topics but also get paid to do it. Oftentimes I feel like I should be paying my clients for the privilege of writing about these subjects. I care deeply about humanity and the planet and anything I can do to move the needle toward a more just, equitable, and harmonious world, the better. I place ghostwriting for therapists in that category.

That’s one side where I’m of service. The other side is the smaller, one-on-one form. Every therapist I know is slammed with work. There’s a ton of demand and not enough supply. As I shared in a previous post, currently, more than 150 million people live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas. Within a few years, the country will be short between 14,280 and 31,109 psychiatrists. Psychologists, social workers, and others will be overextended as well, according to the report.  “People can’t get care,” Dr. Saul Levin, CEO and medical director of the American Psychiatric Association said in an article.  It affects their lives, their ability to work, to socialize, or even to get out of bed.”

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When you hit bottom, the only direction to go is up. Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Therapists cannot see everyone who needs help but they can still help people outside of the consulting room. They can write blogs and ebooks, and doing so will touch those who want support. There are also people currently in therapy who are longing for an adjunct. Therapy is only one hour a week, if that. What about the other 167 hours? Blogs and ebooks can support clients and patients during those hours. But the problem is, therapists don’t have time to write these blogs and ebooks. As mentioned, they’re slammed!

This is where I come in as a ghostwriter. I have the time and the expertise. I take the stress out of writing and free therapists up to do what they do best — work with clients. In that way, I’m being of service to therapists as well. It’s a win all around if you ask me.

If you’ll let me, I’d love to be of service to you as well. Contact me about working together. 

Should You Hire a Ghostwriter?

Many therapists are in a position where they have a wealth of wisdom to share but limited time and space to share it. They can only see a certain number of clients a day but have a desire to help as many people as possible. What’s the solution? Cram as many people into their schedule as possible? That’s one strategy, but another to use the power of marketing and disseminate their message.

The best way to help people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to see a therapist is to write blogposts and books, to join podcasts and social media. By creating content, therapists can share the valuable information they have gleaned after years of sessions but in a way that’s digestible to the public. How is that possible on top of all the other work on their plates? Some people find time to do everything themselves but others aren’t able to do that. For people who want to work smarter, not harder, they hire a ghostwriter.

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You can be productive without doing everything yourself. Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash.

A quick recap: A ghostwriter is someone who embodies the voice of their client. How it works is the client (aka, therapist) is the one who will come up with an idea (usually, but not always) and the ghostwriter will expound upon the idea, but make sure it is written in the style of the client. Afterward, the client will look over the text and add personal stories or other information. The client also looks over the content for accuracy.

After they are happy with it, the client publishes the piece with their name on it and no one is the wiser. (For more about ghostwriting, read my post about it.) What this does is free up time for the therapist while also boosting their visibility. For instance, one of my clients, Renee (name changed to protect their privacy), has seen a 500% boost in traffic to her website after we started working together! Not only that, articles I ghostwrote for her have been placed on prominent websites that reach an estimated 7 million people per month through a variety of partner and advertising networks. Not just one article either — several. On top of that, I’ve ghostwritten not one but TWO chapters for her that were published in anthologies. In fact, based on an article I ghostwrote, one publication reached out to Renee specifically and asked her to contribute a piece to their upcoming anthology. We didn’t even pitch to them! They came to us!

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Yay! Celebration! Photo by Ambreen Hasan on Unsplash

The answer to the question, “Should I hire a ghostwriter?” is: It depends. Do you want to reach a broader audience? Do you want to grow your business?  Do you want to attract visitors to your website using proven, workable methods? Are you interested in helping more people? Do you want to boost your visibility? If the answer to any of those questions is, “yes,” then hire a ghostwriter for therapists (like me).

If you want to maintain the status quo, if you’re happy with your business the way it is, if you’d rather not attract new clients, if you don’t want to be seen or heard more than you are no, then no, you shouldn’t hire a ghostwriter.

Whether you choose to work with a ghostwriter for therapists or not, I hope this post gave you some clarity. If you have any other questions or want to chat about working together, just reach out.


The Weirdest Thing Anyone’s Asked about My Business

Normally when I tell people I’m a ghostwriter for therapists, they either don’t know what a ghostwriter is, or they wonder how that works specifically for therapists. (If that’s you, read my post about ghostwriting and check out my FAQs.) However, one time someone asked me in jest, “Do you write about ghosts?”

This person didn’t really think I  wrote about ghosts but it’s an interesting question. I don’t mind some paranormal entertainment every now and again. I enjoy friendly ghosts a la Casper or The Dead Romantics but not the scary ghosts such as those in The Amityville Horror. So no, when I ghostwrite for therapists I don’t create ghost stories, at least not in the way this person meant.

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I don’t write about things that go bump in the night. Photo by Dawn McDonald on Unsplash

The word “ghost” has denotations of a person who has died but is still here in a non-corporeal way. It’s a being that can walk through walls or make lights flicker. However, there are different kinds of ghosts. There are metaphorical ghosts from the past that continue to haunt us in the present.

One of the reasons I love ghostwriting for therapists is I recognize we all have ghosts. There are circumstances, events, or images that still hold a charge for us long after they occurred. There are things we wish had gone differently or still have questions about. Therapy is one mechanism to help process those metaphorical ghosts. After working with a trained professional, we’re able to move on and no longer be haunted.

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We have things we want to shut out. Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

I’ve gone to therapy for years and I love it because it’s changed my life tremendously. It gave me the courage to start my own business, to set and maintain healthy boundaries, and to feel more at peace. I am fortunate enough to work with someone but not everyone has that privilege.

The U.S. is currently experiencing a shortage of mental health professionals. Currently, more than 150 million people live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas. Within a few years, the country will be short between 14,280 and 31,109 psychiatrists. Psychologists, social workers, and others will be overextended as well, according to the report.  “People can’t get care,” Dr. Saul Levin, CEO and medical director of the American Psychiatric Association said in an article.  “It affects their lives, their ability to work, to socialize, or even to get out of bed.”

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Some people struggle to leave the bed or the couch. Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

Mental health professionals cannot work one-on-one with everyone who needs help. What that means is more people are relying on books, podcasts, blogs, and social media to fill the mental health gap. But how can therapists and other mental health professionals write those books and blogs if they’re already strapped for time?

Enter a ghostwriter. I haven’t trained as a therapist but I research mental health topics for fun in my spare time and also have my own experience with therapy. That means I know more than the average person about these sorts of topics and I’m able to use my writing chops to help you (if you’re a therapist) and ultimately those who need you. Together, we can reach so many more people than you could otherwise.

Are you ready to share your wisdom with the world? Contact me about working together.

Freelance Ghostwriter and Editor: Elevating Your Content and Presence

In the fast-paced world of writing, carving out time to craft engaging and impactful content can be a challenge, especially for those with demanding professions. If you’re a busy professional seeking to stand out in your field, partnering with a freelance ghostwriter and editor can be your secret weapon. Someone like Rebekah Moan, with her mastery of content creation and editing, can help you craft articles that reflect your expertise and connect deeply with your audience.

Why Choose a Freelance Ghostwriter and Editor?

In today’s dynamic landscape, whether you’re a therapist, entrepreneur, or thought leader, your schedule is often overflowing with responsibilities. Amid client meetings, strategic planning, and continuous learning, crafting compelling content might not be your top priority. This is where the value of collaborating with a freelance ghostwriter and editor becomes evident.

I recognize the hurdles professionals like you face. Combining my background in your industry and my writing proficiency, I excel at turning your ideas into eloquent, reader-engaging content. When you team up with a freelance expert, you’re freeing up time to focus on your core strengths while entrusting the creation of your online presence to capable hands.

Enhance Your Digital Footprint

In a world driven by digital interactions, establishing a robust online presence is essential for professionals aiming to broaden their reach and impact. Well-written blog posts serve as windows into your expertise, allowing you to establish authority within your domain. My services extend beyond mere content creation; I become a partner dedicated to shaping your online persona.

Tailored Content, Amplified Voice

My approach revolves around personalization. Regardless of your specialization—be it therapy, entrepreneurship, or any other field—I invest time to comprehend your unique voice, principles, and intended audience. This meticulous attention to detail results in content that resonates deeply with your readers, fostering a genuine connection that encourages engagement and trust.

Optimization for Online Discoverability

Creating captivating content is one side of the coin; ensuring it reaches those in search of your insights is equally important. My expertise in SEO guarantees that each piece I craft is optimized for online searches. This strategic approach propels your valuable content into the spotlight, making sure your expertise doesn’t go unnoticed.

A True Partnership

Collaborating with a freelance ghostwriter and editor isn’t a one-sided transaction; it’s a partnership built on communication and shared goals. I prioritize collaboration, working hand-in-hand with you to translate your vision and ideas into polished prose. Your feedback shapes the narrative, turning the process into a true reflection of your expertise.

In Conclusion

For professionals like you, the power to connect, inform, and inspire lies in your ability to communicate effectively. By aligning with a freelance ghostwriter and editor like me, Rebekah Moan, you’re transcending the confines of your profession, expanding your influence far beyond your immediate reach. With my support, your content will engage, educate, and captivate, establishing your online presence as a beacon of knowledge and authority.

Are you ready to elevate your impact? Reach out to me today and discover how my writing and editing services can be the catalyst that propels your influence to new heights.